
New Ad Campaign Hammers Home a Strong Message

by David Heitman

We recently completed a dramatic new series of print media ads on behalf of client Avjet Corporation, a global leader in business jet charter, sales and management solutions. The campaign, designed to leverage Avjet’s 35 years of success in the aviation industry, used stark, arresting images of ancient military icons. The strength, endurance and loyalty evoked by these symbols, customized with the Avjet logo, enabled the ad to stand out from all other ads in the publications where it appeared.

“Avjet has a certain muscular gravitas in the way it serves its clients, and we designed the campaign to reinforce their hard-earned reputation,” said David Heitman, TCA president and creative director. “The ads are unified by the message that Avjet is the strong, stable, visionary leader that aircraft owners need as a trusted partner to guide them in a tumultuous market.”

“This was really a team effort,” said Amy Hickey, client services manager. “The entire art department had a role in getting the images just right for the campaign. The result was the perfect blend of consistency across the series of ads while each ad stood powerfully on its own.”

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